So fans went without a new series due to Freeman being busy with a little project called The Hobbit, and by now we're hysterical about finally finding out how Sherlock faked his death. I hadn't figured it out. To be honest I didn't want to bother trying because the show would inevitably have a "got your nose" type of moment with me, fooling me because I'm gullible and not Sherlock Holmes. I knew that the second I thought of something they'd be like "durrrr, that's wrong".
The mask bit made me go, "Really? Really? Lame." Mostly because I thought it was too easy and reminded me too much of the worst Bond films. The gadget that solves EVERYTHING because HE'S A SPYYYYY
The first of many fan moments, aka fanservice where the moments we apparently were all waiting for are given to us through canon -- fuck, I'm starting to hate myself for sounding like such a sad nerd... I digress. Right, so this kiss was all lovely and whatever but I thought that it potentially painted Molly into a very character-limiting corner. But, it turns out Anderson thought this all up (Why? Does he ship Sherlock/Molly like a lot of us do? Why show it? Oh, right, fanservice.) and I guess that made it slightly better, but still. Okay, one nice thing about this I will say: this is beautifully shot.
I luff him sah mahhhsh ahhh mahh gahhh.
Bow chicka-ow-ow... I love that reveal, even if it's like "durrrrrrr" again. Huh, John's wearing green pants...
What I've understood about thin men over the years is that depending on what he's wearing, he can look very lithe but then underneath there are guns??? Cumberbatch is like: "You like dogs? Take a look at these bitches."
John on a train -- FORESHADOWING. And SHADOWING HIS MOUTH with that moustache I have mixed feelings about. Also SHADOWING under his eyes because apparently John never sleeps.
You see what I mean by mixed feelings though, right? I'm like, "Whoa, now."
Don't understand why John has the need to mention vehemently "totes not gay!!!! haz gurlfren!!!!" except for a little fanservice humour. I don't know. Seems like an old joke.
I loved how John's not even looking at him, mostly because it's like "lol Sherlock not everything you do is impressive and also you're being a dickhead". Maybe I enjoy Sherlock's knob-headed-ness resulting in fat lips and bloodied noses.
I liked this approach, because by now everyone knows that Sherlock will reveal some information that us lowly mortals didn't pick up by just looking at a new face, but this time he didn't say anything out loud. Hopefully they won't come back to his deducing her a liar in a later episode because that'd just make me go "ughhhhhhh who cares" because there isn't anyone who doesn't lie. My favourite is "bakes on bread". Mary probably smells amazing.
I love this. I love the little jib at how gay-obsessed this fandom is. Like, in what world would this actually happen, when Sherlock fakes his death with his enemy sitting beside him like they're buddies? Oh, yeah, the Sherlock fandom world.
I feel like I'd be fine living in that bizarre world of enemy-lover-dummy-rooftop, but the BBC wouldn't let two men kiss without cutting away so that's lame.
This is a cute scene. I love these kinds of reveals that are as if to say, "No, we're really not that predictable. GOT YOUR NOSE."
I love Mrs. Hudson's cardigan, like, I'd wear the flip out of that. She is so adorable.
Me, too, John.
I guess they wanted to have some closure or something for Molly but this also didn't feel right to me. I don't know why. Something just bugged me about them mentioning Molly being in love with him so often. I DON'T KNOW.
I like the Sherlock/Mary dynamic. It's platonic, and yet there is a level of attraction between them since they both obviously like the other one enough and they both think the other is clever. They better not shit all over this in later episodes because that would be so lame and boring...
I thought with a shrug "I bet they're his parents" not thinking that was accurate at all, but when I was right I made this awful shrieking sound because I was so proud. As I've said, this show has an ability to say "got your nose" every five minutes and I'm so gullible, usually.
"Yeah, I'm fine, mate... Just nearly got burned alive last night. How are you?"
I got really shitted off by the obviousness-yet-not reveal that, like, durrrrrr a car was missing. I was back to being like "FUCK YOUUUUUUU". Mostly just out of jealousy.
Note to self: start carrying crowbar in coat pocket in case of bomb threat. B&E illegal but understandable.
Don't understand how John managed to miss that. I mean, he has a torch. Whatever. Sherlock always has to be the clever one...
Maybe John should just do more of the "I don't believe you" routine because he was right this time even though his BFF was crying some pretty convincing manly tears.
So basically what I can deduce from this is that Anderson has... gone off.
There are a dozen ideas we can guess from this exchange (or lack thereof), but in my head I'd like to think Sherlock is just like, "Ding-dong! Well done, Molly."
And then the end was all menacing and foreboding like "ohhhh SEE YOU NEXT TIME WHEN WE FUCK WITH YOUR HEAD AGAIN."
screencaps source
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