Thursday, 8 August 2013

How Sofia Coppola works

The Bling Ring was (finally) released today in Australia. I'm planning to see it on Monday. Like a lot of girls my age, I love Sofia Coppola's movies. But I know a lot of people who also turn their noses up at them, too. They're "pretentious". Or Sofia Coppola only got where she is now because of her father. Or the movies lack substance. 
Whatever, I'm telling you about how a Sofia Coppola movie typically works.

1) The soundtrack is always great. (When someone bitched to me in the past about how Marie Antoinette's modern soundtrack really got up her nose, I just shrugged. Do you not LIKE Adam Ant?!)

2) The protagonist at some point has a major sense of isolation. Somewhere most emphasised this out of all of Sofia Coppola's movies. 

3) People look out of a car (or carriage) window at some point.

4) Blonde women. The female protagonist is always blonde. 

5) At some point there's a scene with pretty sunlight, or sunlight coming through leaves in trees or something.

I don't know how many Sophia Coppola conventions are in The Bling Ring but I know I'm going to enjoy it either way.

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